Your feedback

Pre-application consultation has now closed. All responses received will be analysed as we refine our proposal ahead of submitting a planning application. A pre-application consultation report will accompany the planning application, which will set out the methods used to consult, the views expressed and how these have been considered in relation to the project.

This website provides further information on the proposal as well as the draft planning application and consultation materials.

We are still happy to hear your feedback on our proposal. You can send us your thoughts via any of the channels listed below.

Artboard 4 100
Written feedback can be sent to [email protected]
Artboard 3@4x
Register your views or request a call back from the
communications team by calling 07493 060539
Artboard 5@4x
Register for project updates below

Privacy Statement

By completing this form you are agreeing that Windel Solar 9 Limited and Windel Energy can hold and process your personal data.

Windel Solar 9 Limited and Windel Energy will only share your personal data with companies within the project team, and in certain circumstances, specific project consultants for planning evaluation purposes only.

Your identifiable, personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent.

Depending on the nature of your enquiry/feedback, Windel Solar 9 Limited and Windel Energy will only use your data to:

  • Respond to specific questions or enquiries submitted via this portal.
  • Send you updates about a specific project (where you provide us with your contact details).
  • Develop a pre-application consultation report (or similar document) that will be submitted as part of a planning application; this will be a publicly available document where your comments will be anonymous.

If you provide us with your contact details, we might also contact you to ask you more about any comments you’ve made.

Your data will be stored in line with the GDPR.

Read our full Privacy Policy.

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